Hey, what dates are you in Melbourne?
I start there too
I arrive in Melbourne on the 16th October if anyone is till planning on being around then?
Hi there.
I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm thinking of flying around October. Nothing planned yet but thinking of going Thailand first to see my mate.
How long are you planning on travelling for?
Not sure on dates yet, still deciding but definitely want to go in September. I was debating whether to start in Sydney but makes more sense to start in Melbourne then work my way up. Planning on travelling for a year and doing some bar work. I'm sure I will still be around Melbourne in October. Where are people flying from?
Yeah I reckon starting in Melbourne makes more sense. If I do book it I'll be flying from London. I'm not sure if I want to travel for a few months or a year. Sounds kind of scary! lol
I fly from Newcastle on the 14th and transfer in Dubai arriving in Melbourne on the 16th
Hey lizee im wanting to go sept/oct but same boat as u!lol. Dont really want 2 go alone...looking 2 do a yr work visa for oz! Ideally would like 2 book dates with sum1 so not travelling alone! Msg me back if ur interested? im a hairdresser but will most prob look into doing barwork!xxx
[ 27-Jun-2014, at 05:28 by Rebecca Ewart ]
Hi Rebecca,
That sounds good, where will you be flying from? Unsure on dates, but wanting to book my flight soon. Not got any bar experience at the moment, but hoping to get some before i go! Where abouts are you hoping to travel?
Hey! Wanted 2 begin in sydney abd who knows from there on! will be going frm gatwick. Thought it would b gd 2 travel out there with sum1 then atleast can get accomodation together when we arrive as it would less daunting!x
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