Traveling from Florida to Oregon This October


Well, my only advice would be to check on when Yellowstone National Park closes, and plan your trip accordingly.

P.S. I just checked and all of Yellowstone's roads are scheduled to close by November 3rd (one short one closes in mid-October) --so you need to plan your trip to get to Yellowstone prior to this or else plan on scratching this off your list. The only way to visit the park after that is via snowmobile, which is interesting, but expensive--and also only available if you book ahead.

I have researched a little on the road closings, I was under the impression that only select roads would be closed, but there would still be access.... I will keep this in mind definitely - and do more research. I really hope to see Yellowstone, it's at the top of my bucket list!! Thank you so much for your reply!

Hey! I'm landing in Florida on the the 16th September with a plan to travel the States for three months, then moving onto Canada after that for 12 months on an IEC visa. I am travelling alone and currently have no idea what route I will be taking or the best means of travelling so hopefully you get a few replies for me to pick up some tips
One thing I am aware of is how cold it will be in the North in Oct, Nov Dec and may not be the best time to travel! I may do Florida then stay south to Texas / Vegas / California then up the West Coast with a view to doing the North during the summer?
Yellowstone is also on my bucket list along with a million other places but I was also concerned about the amount of access you can get in Winter, however I have saw some amazing pics from the Winter months!
Anyway, just thought I'd say hi, I might bump into you along the way?
Cheers - Derek

I was in custer state park the first week of January driving up a draw. when I got to the top there was a herd of bison in the road I had to stop for. When they sauntered off I had to get out and scrape the frozen ground to get some pine needles and sand to get traction to get up the rest of the hill. October is too late for the north. Post 4 is way too vague to even begin to answer. Use gmaps streetwalk and you tube to look at stuff. . remember, once you leave south florida you are entering the United States so leave the counterfeit money behind. We moved to Davie from Seattle 2 years ago.

My other comment is to get to are very before it gets too cold and take the time to go from Oregon to Washington and back. The winters there are dreary with lots of light rain. However, the EMP (Experience Music Project) at the base of the Space Needle is a must-see, as is the Space Needle itself If it is not too cloudy. Also, the main fish market and the road (10 mile bridge) across Lake Washington and the restaurants near Lake Union are all great.

I love the city of Seattle and its citizens (but I wish they didn't beat the local SF 49ers in last year's NFC Championship game).

[ avoid repetition ]

Can any one tell me what are the attractions of Florida?

Traveling from Florida to Oregon This October

Traveling from Florida to Oregon This October

Traveling from Florida to Oregon This October

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