Hello, im Katie ?
Hiya I am looking for a travel buddy for the end of Aug or start of September to SE Asia. I was thinking of doing the north of Thailand and then definetly Cambodia and Vietnam for a couple of months.
Rach x
Hey there, don't be nervous. Even if (and it's highly unlikely) no one from here has dates that match up with yours. There's tonnes of people in the same boat, exploring SE Asia.
I'll be in Burma and Northern Thailand over Christmas and New Year. Then Vietnam from early January.
I'll be heading to Aus in February, spending a few weeks in NZ then off to South America for April.
hi there,
welcome to viet Nam. contact me whenever you visit Viet Nam. wish to share with you all my travel experience in this beautiful country.
Hi Katie.
I'm in the same boat as you! I'm going to be travelling on my own and I was thinking of going to Thailand first as my mate lives there, but I'm not sure if she can take me around as she works there.
I don't have any set plans but I definetly want to go to Australia after my travels in SE Asia. I'm planning to go around early-mid October.
Hi Katie!
Im Georgie, 22 from Hampshire, I am also looking to travel South Asia and Australia on my own but hoping to leave august time or as soon as possible. I have just finished Uni and have 5 months to try an cram as much travelling in as possible. Im keen to check around Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Oz.
Add me on fb Georgie Pinto if you want to chat
I agree when you'll start off with your journey you would meet many people accompanying you and you never know they may be of your own country.So pack yourself up and go ahead.
Ill be in Thailand mid September and plan on heading to Cambodia & Vietnam for a couple of months after that. Would love a buddy! Freaking out about being on my own a little bit aha x
Hey! I'm rashed 23 / M - And I'm looking for some one to travel with It does't matter where.
let me know if you interested.
I'm always ready.

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