Seems like my previous thread did not go through. I am planning on going on a trip by myself in December for my birthday. Since I will be traveling alone, I would like to find a trip that has a guided tour with hotels included etc. My picks for this are South America or South East Asia (no visa requirement for USA Passport preferred) Do any of you have used previous websites that offer vacation packages at a good price? I was looking into but I am wondering if there are other pages out there that offer similar packages.
Impossible to give any constructive advice when you give no clue about your interests, likes/dislikes, budget, etc. nor how much time you have or how much area you want to cover, but in general SE Asia (Thailand in particular) and South America (anywhere on the Gringo Trail) are very easy to arrange on your own.
Good luck with your research.
I believe in technology and actually there are many apps that can be really great tour guides, offer tour maps, voice tours and tips (where to eat and such) as you go. I suggest that you search app lists and review sites. Regarding accommodations, in my traveling, I've used airbnb site, it's very user friendly and I've had good experience with it.
But for your visa condition,I would suggest a cruise from or to Brazil. Brazil visas can be hard work for US passport holders I hear. Rio to San Francisco was one I did and really enjoyed it. There are shorter ones too. Chile to california or Florida. Florida to Brazil down the East coast of South America with voyages up the Amazon.
Your hotel travels with you and every stop theres will be the opportunity of a ships excursion, Independent excursion, just get off & stroll around on stay on board.
A wonderful way to travel, especially from what I have seen, for solo females.
hasbeen, the OPer doesn't want to worry about Visas for US Passport holders yet you're suggesting they start/finish in Brazil?
I would suggest you try -snip-,they offer packaged tours including hotel accomodation,but they are not in america or asia, US passport holders dont need a visa as far as i know where they operate,would help to know how long you plan on vacationing though.

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