Melbourne 2015


Meeting people once in Australia is really easy. Cook your dinner in the kitchen of your hostel. People will ask you if they can borrow some of your spices, compliment you on what you're cooking, ask if you're done with that cutting board yet, etc, etc. Or a bit later, when you're sitting by yourself at a table eating your meal, someone will wander by and ask to share your table. And a bit later, when you're sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea and leafing through your lonely planet to plan where you'll go the next day, one of those people will come sit nearby, and ask you how long you've been there so far, and where you're going next. It all just happens naturally... (And of course you could always force it by being that other person to this other lonely traveller you spotted cooking in the kitchen, dining alone, or sitting in the lounge...)

I used to consider myself pretty shy and not very social before I started backpacking. I still prefer to be by myself most of the time. But in a hostel atmosphere, I never have any trouble getting to chatting with fellow travellers if I feel like it.

Sander is totally right. It's so easy to meet people whilst traveling - I was really nervous the first time I went solo, to SE Asia, last year. But you just have to forget about how you felt before and shift into the backpacker mentality. People are more accepting of who you are and a lot more willing to socialise. You quickly realise the nerves you had before were all for nothing
On another note, I'm planning on going to Melbourne around mid January time and travel around for at least a year there. I've not organised any flights or the visa yet though as I'm currently traveling Europe (in Kosovo right now) but will sort it when I return in early December. What kind of work do you plan to do?


I actually arrive in Sydney on January 1st with very little planned, however I will be heading to Melbourne at the beginning on February, as I have booked a ticket for England v Australia in the cricket World Cup on February 14th!


[ 03-Oct-2014, at 03:58 by adamw17 ]

Thanks for all your advice, guys. I understand it will probably just be one of those things I'll get used to and wonder why I was ever nervous about it but it's probably only natural to be as nervous as I am right now.

In terms of work I'll take what I can get really. I don't have any special skills so would probably be looking for bar/restaurant/cafe work. Depending on how I get on i'd want to do rural work for my second year visa if I have a good enough time ?

Melbourne 2015

Melbourne 2015

Melbourne 2015

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