What do you do with your travel photos?
I have a buncg of them and think about creating a slideshow for
I personally think slideshows are too boring. I put my photos on Google+ where you can easily see the thumbnails and select those of interest.
And of course a selection on Travellerspoint !
[ 29-Sep-2014, at 05:07 by Alain13 ]
Comeon Slideshows would work only for family members and near ones , with whom you have spent the time and vacation and not to much of all
Hi, I recently wrote a blog post on this if you want to check it out:
I have created my own free photography website very simply and which I can add to any time I want. If I can do it, anyone can!
I tend to sort them and share the ones I think are the best (or most ridiculous) with friends and family via social media. Still need to get a blog going, just haven't had the time.
When I'm home though, I want to create clusters by type of photo for my apartment with different styles applied. Like, iconic sites vs natural wonders vs people etc

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