Help with 6 month South East Asia Itinery


You already gave yourself the best advice possible, "... I am completely aware that once I get out there these plans will probably go out of the window as I meet people and experience places for myself..."

Have fun.


I an doing a similar tour but only have three months only wish I'd given myself more time to go to Laos,would only say bear in mind that October and September is the height of the rainy season, but looks a pretty comprehensive itinerary and you have most of the region covered, maybe in Vietnam you could have fitted in sapa,half bay and hanoi, as well as mui ne down south, hanoi backpackers seem good and do all sort of tours but you may find your itinerary may go out of the window so just be prepared to reorganize I've changed mine loads already and that's six weeks before I set off enjoy!

Hmmm, this part falls into Sept / Oct:

1 week Bangkok
3 days Ayutthea
1 week Chiang Mai

Myanmar (may skip this part dependent on budget)
3 days Yangon
3 days Bagan
3 days Inle Lake
2 days Hsipaw
1 day Pyin Oo Lwin
3 days Mandalay

Back to Chiang Mai

2 days Houay Xai
4 days Luang Prabang
5 days Vang Vieng
5 days Ventiane
4 days The Khaek
1 week Savannahket

I'm not planning on sitting on a beach all day long but will I still get a few beach days in in these months? And as long as it's not so bad I can;t go out exploring then I can cope with a few hours of rain here and there.

I'm going at the end of may and it's not meant to be that bad in thailand in June generally short bursts but I think September and October are the worst and in places like cambodia and laos where the roads are bad it might be difficult to get around if your off the beaten track I think it's a case of hit or miss they say that it comes in short bursts and doesn't last all day so you should still get some beach time just be prepared for a bit rain I done some Google searches on the weather for the time I was going the hot and wet season lasts from may to October generally there are advantages travelling at that time in that it is low season no not as crowded things a bit cheaper I used a website called selective asia for advice regards the weather.

[ 14-Apr-2015, at 14:50 by Neillyr38 ]

As you say, your plans will almost certainly change. A possible addition to your Japanese part could be Hiroshima (the Peace Park and the A-dome and Miyajima Island) and you've missed out Hanoi and Ha Long Bay from your Vietnam leg. The Malaysian part of Borneo is worth a look too (Bako, Mulu, Mt Kinabalu, Kinabatangan). Enjoy your planning and, more important, enjoy changing your plans on the hoof!

It looks like you have a well thought out travel plan, well done. We found that we didn't stick to ours when we traveled southeast Asia for 4 months as we loved some places and wanted to stay longer and then others didn't live up to expectations so we moved on.

If you are looking for some ideas on what to do and what not to do, you should check out -snip- that have some great detail on a lot of the countries in your list.

I am sure you will have an awesome time no matter where you end up so don't stress to much

Help with 6 month South East Asia Itinery

Help with 6 month South East Asia Itinery

Help with 6 month South East Asia Itinery

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