Solo traveller

Hi fellow travellers,
I am a 30 year old German girl, been living in Ireland for the last 8 years and I wanna see the other side of the planet now and also leave my so comfy zone a bit
I plan to travel to NZ in September and stay there for 3 or 4 months, going in with a work and travel visa and then seeing if I wanna do some wwofing ... then prob a week or two of oz to visit friends... and then I am looking for a travel mate... :D
Plan is probably to fly in to Malaysia, then to Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and then Thailand... I dunno yet how long maybe around 3 to 5 months for this, I am flexible and I don't expect find somebody for the whole way but a part of the trip would be awesome. Obviously as cheap as possible I wanna see as much as possible too! :D
So Not only looking for travel mates but also tips, ideas, suggestions.... experiences anything.

Solo traveller

Solo traveller

Solo traveller

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