Trip feedback? EUnanimous

Hello. This is the rough estimate of the places we wish to cover in our upcoming trip to Europe (Finally!). We will be on a shoe-string budget, will like to use motorcycles/mopeds/ or some of velocipede to traverse. Can you guys help me hone the plan, perhaps? We will be spending about 2.5 to 3 weeks and about 2000 pounds (including the traveling costs) in Europe. ANY help with the planning of this trip will be much appreciated as we really don't want to approach travel agencies or join generic tours.

I don't understand your preferred choice of travel being motorcycle or moped. How do you expect to pick up a rental motorcycle/moped in Belgium then drop it off 3 weeks later almost 2,000 km away in Croatia?

Good luck with your planning.


Obviously not the SAME moped. :/. Why would anyone assume that?

I assumed it because I'm not very smart, English is not my first language and because your Original Post is vague. Sorry.

Good luck with your research.


Thanks. If you have any more inputs, please do post. (:


All joking aside the reason you've received zero help from anyone is because your Original Post is so vague.

Why not mention how many people are travelling, what time of year, your likes/dislikes, interests, etc. so people who are familiar with your route can offer concrete suggestions?


Alright. I shall edit the original post. Thanks for that tip !

Hello. This is the rough estimate of the places we wish to cover in our upcoming trip to Europe (Finally!). We will be on a shoe-string budget, will like to use motorcycles/mopeds/ or some of velocipede to traverse. Can you guys help me hone the plan, perhaps? We will be spending about 2.5 to 3 weeks and about 2000 pounds (including the traveling costs) in Europe. ANY help with the planning of this trip will be much appreciated as we really don't want to approach travel agencies or join generic tours.

Hi, I would like to mention a few details. We( 2 friends and I) plan to start from Brussels,on the 3rd of August 2015, as seen on the map. I am more intrigued by Eastern Europe, while my friends really wanted to check out Western, so we kind of tried to strike a balance of sorts. As far as our interests go, we love culture( So, museums, city walks, memorials, parks, or any other structures with any historical significance and much more), we love drinking and partying, and, the outdoors. So we want to include as many hikes as we can, replete with hills and streams and forests and everything. Any suggestions thereof would be great. We are pretty much open to experiences of all kinds really. And, the trip route is not set in stone or anything either. Open to changes.


In eastern Europe look out for free city walking tours as a cheap activity.

If your route down to korcula allows, plitvice national park is interesting. But a direct route through Bosnia may be more scenic overall.

The east is vastly cheaper - your money will go 3 x further once you leave Germany, so if you can hurry through the west and have more time in the east you will save.

In Budapest check out the spas - Szechyeni is old with great architecture.

Korcula won't take much time as it is very small but worth seeing.

[ 09-Apr-2015, at 23:45 by Andyf ]

Thanks! Yeah, we will try to keep the time spent in Western Europe to a minimum! That's how I would prefer to have it anyway! (:

Trip feedback? EUnanimous

Trip feedback? EUnanimous

Trip feedback? EUnanimous

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