Traveling to 6 destinations in 19 days

Hey Everyone!

No not too ambitious I am doing something similar very soon would say that your time in each city is tight and it does to take time to adjust to a new city so would recommend city tours when you arrive, or tours arranged through your hostel, then maybe pick a couple of things that you want to do or trip advisors things to do is a great way to find out what's available, barcelona is beautiful a great city as is berlin and Stockholm though the Scandinavian cities are expensive. Happy travels.

You're probably kidding yourself when you say you have 2.5/3 days in most of those destinations. 1.5/2 days will most likely feel much closer to the truth, since just travelling from destination to destination will take up very large parts of your days, and cost you a lot of energy. These are not short distances you're travelling. (It's not just the flight time; it's the flight time + being at the airport 2 hours in advance + waiting for your luggage + travelling to and from the airports + checking in and out at your accommodation.) I'd add another week to try and see this much, or cut at least one of the destinations. (Stockholm in my personal favorite city in Europe, so would be the last city I'd cut, but this entire itinerary is quite opposite to what I like, so that might mean that it's the first one you should cut?)

As for travel dates: Later in September would be my recommendation, since July/August is absolute peak season throughout Europe, making accommodation way more expensive and scarce. Also, particularly for Greece and Spain, September has a chance of having nice and warm temperatures, rather than insanely hot temperatures.

[ 11-Apr-2015, at 08:54 by Sander ]

I would cut Copenhagen out of your trip, or at least cut the time down to 1 day there, and spend more time in Berlin if possible as there is loads to see and do there. I'd also recommend going to Madrid while you are in Spain and cutting out Ibiza, unless there's a particular reason why you wanted to go to Ibiza.

I would cut Copenhagen out of your trip, or at least cut the time down to 1 day there, and spend more time in Berlin if possible as there is loads to see and do there. I'd also recommend going to Madrid while you are in Spain and cutting out Ibiza, unless there's a particular reason why you wanted to go to Ibiza.

Great suggestions, Rebecca, but I wonder why you suggested shortening Copenhagen. I have not yet visited Copenhagen, but it was on my list of places to see. Your suggestion to cut Copenhagen out of the trip or reduce it to one day has made me curious. I am now having second thoughts about it. I may have to look into it a little further.

Athens+islands for 5 days need some clarification.

I would cut Copenhagen out of your trip, or at least cut the time down to 1 day there, and spend more time in Berlin if possible as there is loads to see and do there. I'd also recommend going to Madrid while you are in Spain and cutting out Ibiza, unless there's a particular reason why you wanted to go to Ibiza.

Great suggestions, Rebecca, but I wonder why you suggested shortening Copenhagen. I have not yet visited Copenhagen, but it was on my list of places to see. Your suggestion to cut Copenhagen out of the trip or reduce it to one day has made me curious. I am now having second thoughts about it. I may have to look into it a little further.

I actually thought Copenhagen was quite dull! It's an attractive city and we had some good food there, but I think a day is enough to see the sights and attractions. I think it's one of Europe's less interesting cities and as you are relatively short on time that's the place on your list that I would skip. Obviously others may disagree however.

I think Copenhagen depends on whether you find the magic. A summer's evening at Tivoli Gardens is great. The canals make it as interesting as Amsterdam. The castles are good, Christiania is interesting, plenty of architecture to see. Also great airport.

It depends where you've already been and what you like to see, of course.

I agree Christiania is interesting. I didn't see the castles so perhaps that would have changed my opinion a little if I had.

Traveling to 6 destinations in 19 days

Traveling to 6 destinations in 19 days

Traveling to 6 destinations in 19 days

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