moving from uk to oz in 2016 to work and live, any tips?

elmo-m has indicated that this thread is about Perth

A WHV is valid for entering the country for up to one year after it's been granted. That means that you'll have to wait to - at least - September 2015 before applying, although I'd recommend making it early 2016 instead to give yourself some leeway in case your plans shift by a few months. (WHVs are generally approved within hours, with it taking a week at most, so there's really no need to get one super early, except when you're approaching your 31st birthday, or have any special circumstances that make you doubt that you'd qualify for the visa.)

Check with the big PDF is September/October is actually a good time of the year to look for work around Darwin.
Any particular reason you want to travel that far from Perth to look for work? There should be plenty of (that is, fruit picking, fishing, mining, construction and other qualifying work) in regional Australia right around Perth, too.

A TFN you can only once you've arrived in Australia. Some banks allow you to open a bank account before you arrive (but I wouldn't do so more than a month or so in advance), or you can just walk into any bank branch to do so in the weeks after you arrive. Super easy to do in either case.

[ 13-Apr-2015, at 13:13 by Sander ]

Awesome thanks for the reply.

We are only going to Darwin because my partners cousin works on a farm and we should be guaranteed work (however if we arent then we will head on to Perth). The job is on a farm and rent is free so wages would be our own and means we could save a lot in 6 months there so we will have a bit of money saved when we head to Perth just incase we dont get work immediately.

So if I apply for the WHV now it would run out in april 2016?? That would mean we shouldnt really apply until june/july 2016 for ours.

It won't "run out"; it'll just not be applicable anymore.
Trying to clarify: There's two independent time periods which matter with WHVs; the first is a year from the date on which the WHV was granted, which is the period during which you should enter the country. The second is a year from when you entered the country - that's how long the WHV is valid for.

So you could apply for the WHV on September 29 2015 (Australian time) and have it granted immediately, which means that you have until September 28 2016 to enter the country. Say you then actually enter the country on September 1 2016, then you have to leave the country again by August 31 2017.

Oh right that's awesome! I'll apply in January then just incase our time frame changes. So we have a year from we enter (as long as we enter within a year of being approved).

Hopefully we will have our 2 year visa before our first runs out so coming home won't be an issue.

So all we need is our visas and tickets and money in our bank to go and were all set. Then when we get there sort out TFN and banks .

A one way ticket will be fine or will we need a return?

Thanks for answering by the way, really appreciate it.

You're very welcome.

A one way ticket is absolutely fine. Theoretically you then need to be able to prove you have sufficient funds to buy a ticket out of the country, on top of the regular amount of sufficient funds for your stay, but they never check into this as far as anyone's ever reported about it (including my own experience), so that's not a worry at all.

Yea everyone I know said they didn't check theirs either. Are you in oz from the UK yourself?

Very surprised at how little its going to cost to move there. Just need to knuckle down and work and save :D

Sadly I did my Australian WHV 10 years ago already (woaw...), which was before they instituted the 2nd year WHV option. (I did manage to stay out for two years by also doing a New Zealand WHV, which I liked even better.) Have been back twice since, and still have a long list of places to go and see on my next visits. *g*

Be careful not to get trapped into working too much, and to actually go and spend a significant chunk of time seeing the country. It's worth it.

Yea plan to work hard for the first 6 months and get my second year and then travel a bit before getting a job and house to settle in for a while.

Really excited now. Anywhere you recommend visiting?

Oh, so many... But they're mostly very personal recommendations, for my particular interests (particularly hiking and photography). With that disclaimer out of the way, here goes:

I absolutely love the "Glebe" neighbourhood in Sydney; wonderful bakeries and used bookstores, and a very friendly, almost "bohemian" vibe to it. (Melbourne had a 'better' (for my particular tastes) live music scene when I was visiting, though.) I unexpectedly loved Port Elliot (south of Adelaide) - wonderful coastline, and a great bay for swimming right across. Also really liked the limestone caves and general area of Cape Leeuwin-Naturaliste (far southwest corner of Australia). Tasmania is probably my favorite part of Australia, particularly the moss-covered forests of Cradle Mountain National Park... but at the same time it kinda feels like a pale shadow of similar-feeling but even more spectacular national parks in New Zealand, so that's a mixed recommendation. Mossman Gorge near Cairns is also not to be missed; absolutely gorgeous. The Great Ocean Road is an absolute must; do it slow, and thoroughly explore every single exit along the shipwreck coast. Also be certain not to miss the tiny but incredibly worthwhile Mait's Rest boardwalk, one turnoff east of the road to the Cape Otway Lighthouse. Finally, to see platypuses in the wild, head to Eungella National Park (doable as an organized daytrip from otherwise-forgettable Mackay).

[ 13-Apr-2015, at 16:51 by Sander ]

moving from uk to oz in 2016 to work and live, any tips?

moving from uk to oz in 2016 to work and live, any tips?

moving from uk to oz in 2016 to work and live, any tips?

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