solo Australia travels

kay1210dance has indicated that this thread is about Sydney

I have no knowledge whatsoever about this tour, but it sounds extremely rushed to me (in other words, your typical tour), and what's the point of doing that route, when you could do it properly yourself, taking 6-8 months for the entire route and seeing it all in depth? There's not a whole lot else left to see in Australia after that... (Okay, totally not true, but you get my drift...)

It's also very expensive; AUD $257/day, where an average backpacker budget would be about AUD $80-100/day (excluding activities).

As for work; it's hard to say anything definite there. If you have some in demand skills (IT, nursing, construction), it should be very easy. Most regular backpackers also manage okay with finding work; but a lot depends on personality, perseverance, luck and the time of year (for example, no one is looking in December during the runup to xmas; but October tends to be booming for recruiting for bar work, as long as you're willing to stay through the busy December/January period). If you want to do fruit picking to become eligible for a second year WHV, check the for a detailed description of where and when to go for peak demand (try to be on location a week or two before the start of that time).

[ 12-Apr-2015, at 16:54 by Sander ]

That sounds like a lot money and as sander said, you can easily do these things yourself at your own pace throughout the 8 months you're there. I know it's nervous going out alone, maybe look into doing an Oz intro package when you arrive to get to know fellow travellers, that's what I'm gona do & they help you with the job hunt too. X

Thanks for the info. I think the idea of a tour is more appealing because it's my first time going properly alone and if I'm honest I can be a little indecisive and disorganised ha ha! I do appreciate that the tour would be quite rushed though. Here's the link to the itinerary if anyone is interested or just want a gander . The good thing is it does include all transport, accommodation and activities.

Which oz intro packages have you seen Nic.a7?

Work and temperature wise I'm going to stay and work in Sydney for a bit when I first arrive then go travel mid Feb-march either on my tod or with the tour ( TBC eek!?). Fruit picking sounds like a good plan though Sander. I don't know much about the different visa but heard to have to do a certain amount of agricultural work to qualify? Is this work generally in the north?

Thanks both, I do appreciate your opinions!x

You will find fellow Travelers in hostels in Sydney, ask around and talk to people, you may find a travel buddy.

That tour seems very rushed, I like to travel slowly and get to know places individually. You may like a place and want to stay there longer. Go north along the coast and pick up work here and there along the way.

Everything falls into place when you enjoy it and take it slow.

You'll love it.

I'm going with bunac, I'm taking the group flight which includes 3 days in Hong Kong and then the first 3 days in Sydney are planned for you with group actives and hostel included etc. I'm very nervous about going alone too which is why I decided to do the group flight. OzIntro do a week long welcome package which is pretty much the same. But I know a few people who have gone completely solo and have met follow travellers straight away in their hostels who they've then travelled onwards with. I think If you're planning to work first you'll easily find other like minded people to travel around with without the need of paying £3k for a tour.

Fruit picking sounds like a good plan though Sander. I don't know much about the different visa but heard to have to do a certain amount of agricultural work to qualify? Is this work generally in the north?

You need to work for 88 days doing "specified work" in "regional Australia", and then you qualify for staying in Australia for a second year. This definition of work is quite broad; fruit picking, farming, fishing, mining, construction, pretty much everywhere outside of the big cities and their suburbs. The WHV page on the department of immigration website has . It's definitely not just in the north; the harvest trail website I linked to before has a lot of info on where you can find the harvest subset of this type of work, and then you can check on the immi site to make certain you're not in a postcode area which is excluded.

Hey guys!.. I'm travelling out solo to Melbourne 27th Dec and I booked my flight through STA travel.. From my friends experiences I would not book any tours! Checking yourself into a hostel and going with the flow seems to be the thing to do!.. I'll be out on a working holiday visa and would be interested in meeting like minded people! As this is my first time I am a little nervous but more excited than anything! 😊


Awesome thanks everyone! I'm going to do Oz intro in Sydney then Oz experience bus up to cairns rather than that ridiculously expensive tour! Really appreciate everyone's input so thanks!
Sander thanks for the link, I will look into harvest trail for when I'm travelling up the coast.
Sarah, I will be coming out to Sydney in mid Jan so I'm sure you will have made tonnes of friends by then but if you're in Sydney and fancy a new friend...haha! Where are you coming from?

Hi Kay!..

I'll be flying from Manchester! Going to Singapore first tho for a couple of nights! Can't wait


solo Australia travels

solo Australia travels

solo Australia travels

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