Getting a US Visa with an arrest

Hi everyone,

You would have to be really unfortunate to be turned down. Show up with you and your Mom looking very presentable, dressed very nicely and of course act respectfully and you should have no problems getting the Visa approved.

Please let us know what happens.


Thanks for your support Terry, I heard that they exclude anything which occurred under 18 is that true?

Oops sorry I was meant to say that I WASN'T charged or convicted.

What they include/exclude is immaterial because the officer never has to follow the rules, Homeland Security and US CBP personnel are given great latitude in their decisions.

Bottom line: Stop worrying about this. Show up as if you and your Mom are going to church and everything will be fine.


Hey Terry,

I got my certificate back and interestingly it said no trace. Is that good?


I felt sure that you would not have a problem based on what you said. It looks like things are going to go well for you and you should be on your way. Welcome to the USA!

If you had come here for advice at the beginning I would have told you that the UK does not share their normal criminal database with the US so you should simply forget the incident ever happened and that a visa was entirely unnecessary.

Now that you're going to the Embassy - which never should have happened - you're in their database so you have to jump through the bureaucratic hoops and get the paperwork done. Just be honest and you should be rubber stamped.

Good luck and let us know what happens.


Hey Terry

I know the UK doesn't share databases but it's just that the US Embassy website says that anyone who has been arrested must apply for the visa. I only think I'm doing the right thing since I don't want to get into trouble. My worst fear is getting sent back.I do have all the paperwork sorted.

Thanks for your support.

Tranquilo, it'll all be fine.

Brush your teeth, comb your hair, dress nicely and the interview should be a formality.


Getting a US Visa with an arrest

Getting a US Visa with an arrest

Getting a US Visa with an arrest

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