hi toby there is always work in the major cities on east coast such as melbourne sydney and brisbane what sort of work you looking for
Hi there,
Honestly, I'm not too fussed about what I do. Ideally I'd like to get away from an office job. Wouldn't mind doing bar work and most things outdoors would be good.
Just be careful.. i tried to get work in Oz and found in so difficult that i ran out of money and had to come home early If i could give you any advice it would be to get your regional work sorted Asap so you secure your 2nd yr visa and get some cash early on so your not dipping into the money you've brought with you. Then travel down the east coast which isnt all that expensive! Have an absolutely amazing time you'll love it!! Don't miss out on fraser island...absolute highlight!
u prolly would want a event job at a company they usually pay much in a few days as u work a lot. try to get jobs on major days like australia day u get a huge bonus. otherwhise i wouldnt recommend brisbane or sydney to work. better off in cairsn or melbourne.
You can try to find a family and work as an Au pair!
I worked as an Au pair last year and it was a wonderful experience

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