Junebug13 has indicated that this thread is about Quintana Roo
Are you staying on a resort? I went to Cancun several years ago and there was free kayaking on the resort. We also went parasailing, which was amazing. Stand up paddle boarding is also a great way to explore the water for a decent price. In terms of night life, we all went to a club called CocoBongo. Fun and touristy.
Thank you, yes we are going to stay at Grand Principe Bahia Coba, but we wanted to do a few adventurous things!
Maybe check for excursion packages. Those will have adventurous day and half day activities.
Cancun is very popular. You might want to visit the Mayan ruins which is on the yucatan peninsula. The city of Merida is also on the peninsula and is worth a visit.
I did Mexico three times in the nineties when the only thing you really had to worry about was pick pockets, of which there are many. Sure buses (the best way of getting around) got stopped a few times, soldiers looking for drugs, but rarely. That has changed. Between 2006 and 2013, an estimated 120,000 people have been killed in the ongoing drug wars and 27,000 are missing. Not a place I would visit nowadays.
The provinces in which the drug wars are raging are far from Quintana Roo and the daytrips you'd be likely to be doing from there. Cancún and surroundings are such a massive tourist destination that there's absolutely nothing to be worried about there, and your fear mongering is really out of place here.
You could visit Tulum and Chichen Itza from where you're going to be based. There are also come crystal caves in Cancun which sound like they're worth a visit - a friend recommended them to me, as I'm also going to be visiting Mexico later this year.
Sander. Famous last words from someone who is either in denial or knows nothing about Mexico. But then again, you are not the one going to Mexico so you will be safe at home.
---------Note from Moderator Calcruzer------
Cyberia, for you to demean Sander's comments when you yourself have never been to Mexico is about as hypocritical as one can get. Next time you want to post stuff on Mexico, do it in a civil fashion. Also, while your statistics on crime are Mexico is valid, offering specific instances where 7 people were killed in Cancun, and then stating this is proof that tourists can't be safe is ridiculous. Yes, there is crime that exists in Mexico--and it is much, much greater in some areas (for example, in Ciudad Juarez, the crime rate is about 60 times as high as most any other place in the whole country.)
I have been in Mexico on 20 occasions, and have never experienced any crime. Does that mean crime doesn't exist?--Of course, not--but just because 7 people were killed on one occasion in Cancun in a one-year period, that doesn't mean that crime is rampant.
Take your rant on crime in Mexico elsewhere. Your arguments are not logical--and spreading fear is not what this site is for. I have deleted the remainder of your post, as it is nothing but fear mongering and it has no place here.
[ Most of post deleted due to illogical fear-mongering in this post. ]
Thank you everyone for your comments/suggestions!

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