mussenden has indicated that this thread is about Victoria (Australia)
"Share houses" are a very common thing in big Australian cities like Melbourne. This tends to be locals (or sometimes other backpackers) renting a house for a year, and subletting a room (plus the shared common facilities) to other people to help make rent, with travellers frequently being very welcome for this. I don't remember which are the big websites for this, but searching a bit online I see many, such as,, and a bunch of others. Also see local notice boards.
For finding work, things tend to be very slow during the run-up to xmas, but should be just fine when you arrive. It varies a lot from person to person, though, depending on skillset and tenacity with chasing something down. For most people it's definitely not a super easy thing to find work, but should generally be doable.
hi mate what sort of work you looking for?
Hey mussenden, before suggesting you something can we know what kind for job you are looking or doing.
As I'll suggest you try for full time nanny jobs because that will solve your problem of staying in hostel or somewhere else. while you work full time then that job offers you a home as you were working as their nanny. So try to find out the people who looks nanny for their children's in Melbourne.
Best of luck...!!!!
i was in australia for 1 year and started in melbourne where i have worked for 6 months before travelling for 6 months. unfortunartely for you the job situaution in australia is growing worse. i have been to itnerviews where roughly 30 to 50 people applied for 1 job and thats actually quite often. nevertheless melbourne is quite the good city to start off. u got a huge amount of restuarants and cafes which usually take in backpackers quite easy.
corncering your staying i would advise you to stay in a hostel for the start unless u manage to find a share flat from oversears. i stayed near chapel street. the hostel i found there were a bit smaller and quite cheap but had some nice people which usually helped u during ur first time corncering back accounts tax number and such. after 1 or 2 weeks i managed to find a share flat over gumtree( a website with jobs and house offers for backpackers and locals ) which reduced the cost like crazy. i paid 100 dollar for 2 weeks of staying which is freakin cheap. but i did not care about the situation of the house. we stayed in a house which was kinda broken down. like holes and stuff and no real furniture. but i managed to grab some stuff from the street and used milk cartoons as a table. i was just trying to live as cheap as possible to safe money for a trip. we lived with 12 backpackers in the house but it was a quite back and everyone was nice. so if u wanna stay cheap get a share flat for cheap. at the end i moved near my job whhere i found a cheap flat aswell which was this time super moderene in a sky skraper at docklands. so yeah hostel first then share flat for sure unless u are rich or enjoy the athmosphere
concering your job i would sat keep looking on gumtree but be careful u get scammed tones of times nowadays. ur best spot to start of is probably hospitatality or event companies . event companies pay quite good and are easy to get into. u usually cant save alot of money but for the start its a good way to get enough money to pay of hostel and living expenses furthermore if u stay with them although u find a new job u can still work there on national holidays and earn up to 50 dollar in hour( i worked on the australia day where there were horse races and made 650 on 1 day)
otherwhise just go round hand in ur cv and u will eventually find a job. if u are really desperate u can always go to the area near the unviersity. it has a lot of italian restaurants . u usually get a job there witohut a contract and they pay u below average so about 12 to 15 dollars. which is a good way to start of tho. if u have any more questions i could answer them as i have been in melbourne for months and am sure to have some good tricks to get around . prolly better if u dont do the mistakes i did at the start haha :p kind regard nate, ( sorry for the long text, love talking about australia :D)

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