I understand that once I reach Orlando airport my fingerprints and possible iris will be scanned and also when I reach the theme parks, I am wondering why this happens and do they link up to fingerprints that are held for me in the UK? I am a UK citizen and have a spent criminal conviction, whilst I know that my 'spent time' doesn't count in the U.S., I have got a ESTA to travel, I just don't know if they fingerprints are going to flag up.
My crime was theft in 2009.
Any help would be great
The fingerprint scan goes into their own records, presumably tracking that the person arriving is the one departing. I believe they share data with Canada.
The UK doesn't share their criminal records data with the usa, apart from serious stuff where Interpol get involved.
Ok that makes sense, I don't really understand why we have to give our fingerprints at the theme parks, are people really that dishonest
I've no idea. As a customer, I wouldn't tolerate it; I'd take my business elsewhere.
I'm not happy about it and don't see why it is needed, but as far as I know if you want to visit any of the theme parks it has to be done.
My girlfriend has dragged me round a fair few theme parks in Europe and Asia, none of them fingerprint you. Nor have they asked if I have a criminal record or indeed whether I intend to assassinate their presidents - what you're suffering is American hospitality and behaviour toward travellers and customers. It's the worst. Ultimately it's your money so you can choose to go elsewhere.
... what you're suffering is American hospitality and behaviour toward travellers and customers. It's the worst. Ultimately it's your money so you can choose to go elsewhere.
I disagree, Andy. The US is one of the most hospitable so-called developed nations on the planet and American customer service is extraordinary.
What's horrible is their siege mentality and allowing dozens of "security" agencies (Homelands is the most public one) rule their existence and that unfortunately dribbles down to negatively effect casual tourists entering the coluntry in ridiculous ways.
OPer: Disney does not scan your fingerprint. They take a biometric measurement which can not be linked back to your identity and the records are deleted after 30 days. Welcome to the most desirable terrorist target in the world, the good old US of A.
How did you get on at airport Ebcg?
BB21, the Original Post is almost a year old...

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