I attempt the ultimate travel adventure: emigration. it is like being a full-time working tourists, at least in the beginning it feels like this.
Yeah I don't like London, for a lot of the same reasons.
Ok, I'll see which bits I can comment on :
Your right to stay - I think even if the UK or Scotland decide to leave the EU, everything said so far suggests that someone already living here will be able to continue living here.
Language - modern Scot, and Scouse in Liverpool, are both just accents of English. In both cases it will take you some time to learn, and any town in Britain has its own accent - though those two are pretty extreme ones. Nothing about that would change on Scottish independence.
Yes Scotland has a more open culture with people willing to talk to strangers. Only London is very bad at this, and generally the culture gets more friendly and open as you go north.
You can find semi derelict houses anywhere to do up - I wouldn't let that sway me towards a place.
If London is too busy, why are you looking at other cities? Towns may be a better choice, and often lower property prices.
Thank you for your comment.
Scot is now included in the school curriculum. It is not far fetched to expect that some day it may become an official language, if not the official language, of independent Scotland.
I look at Glasgow and Liverpool only because these two cities are at the intersection of property affordability (I have 20 thousand pounds only) and job availability. There are other places when one can find cheaper properties, but no jobs; there are other places where one can find better job opportunities, but no apartments below 20 thousand pounds.
Believe me the properties costing under £20,000 will cost you plenty to make habitable, even for a handy DIY-er they aren't normally a bargain.
On the language issue :
What Scottish people speak is English, their local accent and dialect, but it's English and that will not change. To live there and cope, you will never need anything apart from the local version of English.
Scotland also has two other languages but these won't affect you. Scottish Gaelic is spoken by around 1% of the population, this is on some of the islands and in the remote highlands. The language called "Scots" is a dead language like Old English - some poetry is written in it, but 0% of the people speak it in daily life. Both these languages have supporters who are trying to keep them alive, hence getting them official status, but they aren't going to replace English.
Thank you both for your advice.
As for the property under 20 thousand pounds, my choice is not between such a property or a better one: my choice is between this and none.
An apartment under 20 thousand is already habitable no matter how poor its condition as long as the walls are there and the roof is not leaking. I don't mind living in austere conditions as long as I have a post box and I will be able to lie dry in the evening and be able to sleep without ear-plugs or ear mufflers. My needs are modest. I want to be able to sleep without interruptions in the middle of the night, to be able to go with a bicycle to work, and to have time to finish the book I write.
[ 23-Oct-2015, at 04:47 by prettypiggy ]

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