Hello fellow travellers so planning to spend about a month in the Philippines. Just wondered what a rough route would be I already have a few places that I would like to go to but needed some help working out what way around I should go and where to start. Thanks guys
i went to boracay and palawan in march and 1 thing i will say is that you pretty much need to fly in between most places, and most are either via manila or cebu
you can take boats but they are quite long journeys and i hated the 1 from el nido to coron
i would try and do as much research as you can, but 1 thing i can tell you is that its an amazing place, my favourite ive been so far
Yeah that's what I seem to be finding out is flying expensive ? Thank for the advise
Flights are not too expensive, I used cebu Pacific and airasia, cheapest for a 1 way flight was around £20, but they do have offer on quite regularly
1 thing to keep in mind is the airport taxes at most airports which you have to pay, not a lot of money but something to keep in mind
Oh what's that for ? That's not to bad then , don't think il spend long in Phillips tbh . Excited to get to Indonesia
its something they introduced recently, little strange as not been anywhere else that does it, and cost me £10 when i left manila to fly back to the uk
some are only like £2, with the most being about £10, but its only when your fly out from an airport, never when you arrive
8 only spent 9 days there so wasnt to bad really. Indonesia is on my list for next year
Yeah I wanted too Indonesia first but I'm leaving In January for Asia and Indonesia will be rainy season then so should get about march. How long you going for ? That's so random about airport tax but thanks for te heads up
no worries
yeah indonesia weather gets better around april/may depending where you go
selectiveasia is good for checking monthly weather throughout se asia
i wont be there until sept next year, will be the start of my year long trip around the world
Oh sweet where you going after Asia then ? Oh cool il check that out
my plan is as follows, but may change depending who i meet out there, so open to options
indonesia, hong kong, great wall of china, vietnam, cambodia, laos, myanmar, thailand, australia, new zealand, brazil, argentina, chile, bolivia, peru, ecuador, colombia
then see how much money i have left and maybe do mexico or some of america/canada
done some of cambodia and thailand and oz already so will be doing other bits ive not done when there

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