Hi my name is Eamie (pronounced Amy),
I'm pretty much in the same boat, i was hoping to go in Sept but live just got in the way and I'm just not ready.
I have no plans but i am thinking of January now. You can find me on facebook if you want to chat properly, it can be difficult on this.
My full name is Eamie Bolger, im the only one you will find. Im irish 26 and female.
Look forward to hearing from you
We are two girl 26 and 27 who will travel thought Asien and then though Australien, we both are from Sweden but have ealier leved in London, my friend Josefin for 5 years and me Arsema for 2.5 year.
For the moment are both working but in 5 of sep will we start our life trip. We will start in Japan and then go down to australien, if u are up to it maybe we could meet up and hang. If you are interested please write to me.
Kind regards,
Sounds great! I have no plans just yet but i we can definetly meet up when I get out there.
You can find me on facebook if it is easier to talk there, my full name is Eamie Bolger :D

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