Hi There,
Getting "a" job: sure.
Getting a job that would make me think it'd be worth it to use your "once in a lifetime" WHV on just a two month visit in which you plan to mostly work: no way.
You don't say where you're from, but Australian wages are not good compared to those in Europe or the USA. (They are perfectly fine for the cost of living in Australia, of course.) Also, it will of course be "winter" in Australia from June through August. Now is winter in Sydney mostly still pretty warm and sunny, but it's not really the best time of the year to be there, and I'd expect the demand for unskilled labor to be at its lowest. (Also, cost of living is highest in Sydney.)
As for telling lies on work experience: I'd really not recommend it.
I can heartily recommend getting in some time working abroad; it's extremely valuable experience, and looks great on your CV. But I'd recommend seeing if you can't swing an internship or semester of studying abroad sometime during your studies, or do the full year WHV once you're done with studying.
I agree with Sander. My friend used a WHM visa to visit me in Oz and she was only there for less than 4 months and now she can never go back on a WHM visa and really regrets it. Believe me you would regret it because you'd see what you would be missing out on for that brief 2 months. Make the most of it in the future when you have more free time.

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