HELP!! Im leaving for Perth in the next 4 weeks and after researching a lot of information i still dont have a clue if i have enough money. I will be going with approximately £4250 and will also be staying with friends so wont be paying for accommodation but i would like to know approximately how long this will last? . . I dont plan on doing anythig to extravagant i just want a nice relaxing time??
First thing I would say is that to enter Australia you have to have $5k with a return ticket or $6k without. The reason for this is that they expect people to be paying for accomodation, partying etc, so I think if you have more than that, which you do and you have free accom you should be fine for the first few weeks. It depends what your going to be doing as well. Are you planning to work? If you are then obviously will have more money to play with. I suggest you get a piece of paper and do a budget. Are there any places you want to go to, how much will you have to pay for transport, how much do you think you'll spend on food a week? Literally anything you can think of and then per week round it up or add say an extra $100 just to be safe. If you are being really careful with your money, I think you'd be fine for a couple of months at least.
well i have a 6 month visa and i honestly thought considering i wouldnt be doing much other than relaxing and spending time at my friends house that it would last the 6 months. Obvioulsy its a lot more expensive than i though

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