Anyone around in Melbourne this week for the comedy festival or just seeing the city? Just arrived as a solo traveller and would love to meet up with fellow travellers or locals? Let me know!
hey im in melbourne from 22nd april wil u stil be about? im solo too!!
Hey, im here in Melb right now, also thought about the festival yet, but got nobody to got here yet :/
when is it again? cant remember ^.^
This might be of no help but I arrive in Melbourne in 13 days! If you're still around then feel free to give me a shout xx
Ull find buddies to hang around with the first days easily
Im travelling from Thailand direct to Melbourne on the 1st May - probably i shall arrive on the 2nd. Really looking forwards to it.
My plan is too meet some nice likeminded people in Melbourne and maybe i will hire a Camper van and we can all roll up the East coast surf together in style.
Ive been on the road travelling for quite a while in SE Asia and really excited to get some Western culture again.
Anyone who is there around this time feel free to add me on facebook and maybe we can hook up along the way.
Hey, I just got to Melbourne on Fri, planning on being here til July so looking for people to see the city with, chill out. I'm solo female traveller too.
How is it sarky? ill be there next week - you have a head start. Any good hostel to recomend?

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