Hi! I'm 25 years old, from the US and I applied for a Work and Holiday Visa for Australia. I lodged my Visa online on the 4th, and they replied on the 10th asking for verification that I graduated from high school. That same day, I was able to scan my high school transcript showing that I've graduated and now I'm wondering how much longer the processing will take to complete?
The turnaround time of hours/days is for Working Holiday Visas (WHVs, subclass 417; for people from the EU/Canada). Work and Holiday Visas (subclass 462, for people from the USA, South America, SE Asia, etc) have a longer processing time. I haven't seen enough people report in about how long it all took to be able to give you an average, but at two weeks, I really wouldn't worry yet.
Okay, thank you, Sander! You have put me at ease. I did wonder if it was slightly longer for the Work and Holiday Visa or because I was from the United States. And two weeks seems more than reasonable...the site does say 6-8 weeks processing. I suppose I was only worried/paranoid because I've seen people on here say it took minutes or hours, haha.
I'll report back as soon as I get mine, though!
Just got the confirmation e-mail! :D Very happy/excited!
So it took exactly 12 days from the date I lodged the application...including having to submit extra info. Not bad at all.
See you in Australia, everyone :D
Didnt think it was that complicated for US. Having to prove you graduated?, whats that all about?. lol
Didnt think it was that complicated for US. Having to prove you graduated?, whats that all about?. lol
Lol, well they do ask on your application if you have graduated from high school (or secondary education). It was actually quite complicated for me, because they asked for verification, and when I went back to my school to get a transcript, there was an error showing that I never graduated (!!!), even though I clearly did almost 9 years ago. I was able to get the whole mess sorted that morning as the records all showed me having graduated, etc. and then I sent in the verification and then it cleared.
So I'm probably an anomaly.
But, like Sander said, perhaps it's more complicated from the US. When I think about it, I rarely HAVE seen people from the US posting here about the process of getting their WHV...usually they're just asking to meet up or whatnot

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