Hello all,
Does anybody knows how Travellerspoint count the post views?
I've posted an entry, viewed it immediately, and had 15 views... I only have a handful of subscribers and the Facebook link didn't work, so I can quite safely say it was only 1 view really. Any thoughts, anyone?
No doubt one of the tech guys will chip in on this, but bear in mind that new blog posts appear in the Recently Updated Blogs section on the right hand side of so you are likely to get views from people who are browsing that.
Essentially, every time a page is viewed where that blog entry is displayed, there will be a view added to the post. This means that if someone is viewing the home page of your blog, and that shows all three posts (I think the default is 5), it will actually add 1 to the view count of each of those 3 posts. Also, if you hit refresh a few times, it will count multiple views.
It's not the most perfect system in the world, but if you want something a LOT more advanced, we also let you set up Google Analytics on your blog (instructions if you need help).

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