I am a college student that will be studying abroad in Rome next spring. Since I have never been to Europe, I thought I would try to get some suggestions for cities and places to see while I'm there. So, my question for you all is this: if you had one place you could visit in Europe (and surrounding area including N. Africa and the near Middle East) what would it be? Whatever cities, sites, places you provide I will try to incorporate into my trip the four months that I'm there.
Anywhere in Germany Berlin or Munich would be the best cities if you just have time for one.
Also explore Italy. Get to know your surroundings and the culture. Take day trips on your time off. Italy is amazing... since you are just there 4 months I would recommend taking in as much of Italy as you can during that time.
Europe, North Africa and Middle East? Any preferred things to do? Nature, cities, culture, good food, party...
Cities...Barcelona, Paris, London, Berlin, Cracow, Prague. You can travel between them with Ryanair or EasyJet it's very cheap.
London, Paris, Edinburgh, Berlin...I'm going on where I've been, but there are so many choices!
My favorite cities in Europe so far are Barcelona, London and Venice (although Venice is a little bit pricy).
I think Switzerland is the most beautiful, but Norway is a close second. Cities I love include Paris, Rome and Istanbul. Rome has not only great art, ruins and spectacular food, but the best cup of coffee you will ever enjoy.

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