My name is veekay male 35.Going to Thailand on 23 Aug'2012-busy in a workshop from 23 till 27 Aug, and then then serious traveling.I would like to visit KANCHANABURI, CHIANG-MAI/CHIANG-RAI AND SUKHO-THAI. Serious traveller n have been to USA/CYPRUS/SINGAPORE AND MALAYSIA.Visited Thailang in 2011 for an earlier work-shop but got no time to visit.This time i have extended my stay and would like to visit around. you can check my face book virendra kohli/delhi.
i am mohamed osama, 34 male, i work as a doctor , an obgyn, planning to travel to europe in november mostly switzerland ,italy and austria.
i also wanna go to lebanon in last of december
i am also going to sharm elsheikh for diving next month
if u r interestefd just send me back
Hi there,
My names Bianca im a 29 yrs old female from London, traveling through central and south america frm Sept -Dec.
I'm also currently looking for a travel buddy primarily from San Jose, Costa Rica to Panama city! frm Oct 24th! and also someone to explore Rio with!
Its my first solo trip in south A. i speak spanish and I'm ready to go see and explore....
like yourself im a easy and out going person in search of adventure!!
I love trying different foods/drinks, nightlife architecture and animals and i have always wanted to backpack and finally decided its time for an adventure....
my plans as it stands are
- voluntering in Guatemala (7days),
-then from there taking a tour ( through Honduras & Nicaragua) to san jose,costa Rica (17days),
-then was hoping to travel onto panama stopping in puerta vieja and Bocas del toro, and any other fun and intersting places on the way to Panama city.
Then im heading down to Buenos Aires and up to Rio!! , if i dont find a travel buddy for that part i'll do BsAS - Rio in a tour, then explore Rio solo
If any of this sounds appealing to you just let me know!
Take care
Bianca, that trip sounds amaazzzinngg, have you booked it all? I'm looking at Central America (want to leave ASAP) but so gutted it's in the middle of rainy season!!
My names helen (19 year old female) i'm flying out to Phuket, thailand on the 8th of decemember. I'm staying there for 5 months to explore (applying for a double entry visa so i will have to fly out of thailand and back in again to renew it) and then have a flight to athens in greece to explore europe.
I'm looking for a travel partner for any part of my trip!
Message me if you like

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