Hey travellers!
I think your itinerary looks great and I'd definitely agree with your suggestions regarding Karak, Jerash and Amman. (I haven't been to Azraq.) Another place worth a visit is Madaba which has some interesting historical sights and also Mount Nebo. If you hire a driver you should be able to do Mt Nebo, Madaba and Karak Castle in a day. I also managed a trip to the Dead Sea which I thought was worth it just for the experience of being able to float!
Petra is worth 2 days at least - the area is huge. Are you going to sleep in the desert at Wadi Rum?
Hi bex
I'll fly to Amman and get organised transfer to Madaba after arrival in Amman. Will have more or less time for a dinner in Madaba (arrive 3:00pm in Amman, need to get visa, transfer Amman-Madaba) before we start the next morning the Dana trek.
We will be 2 days in Wadi Rum and sleep in a bedouin camp.
After Wadi Rum we go down to Aqaba for a short night and morning and then up to Madaba again by passing the Dead Sea for a swim.
And here comes my question mark. Should I go up to Madaba with the Tour and then again down to Petra or should I just stay in Aqaba and go by myself up to Amman in this 6 days. I'm not really interest in Dead Sea, I get bored very quick on beaches. ^^
I already read a few times about hire a driver. Common in Jordan? Cheap?
Perhaps go up to Amman by yourself or with a driver: I hired a driver in Jordan for 2 days and he was absolutely brilliant - totally made my trip and it was good value too. It's quite common to do that in Jordan - I heard of plenty of other travellers doing the same.
Beaches bore me too, but you'd be going for the sea not the beach! I didn't spend any time on the beach there, just dipped in the sea for a bit then got back on the road.
When you visited Mt. Nebo, Madaba and Karak Castle, the driver came visit the things with you or you just met him again a few hours later?
Hire drivers - guess easiest ways are in hotels, hostals, tourist offices, Tour companies?
I know already the feeling of floating in water from Chile. So, guess I really kick out the Dead Sea.
Is Mt. Nebo really worth to see?
Our driver just pulled up outside our hotel in Amman on our first night and asked if we wanted to hire him for our trip; we hadn't planned to get a driver but am so glad we did! Do you want me to send you his details? I've recommended him to lots of people. He came to most of the places with us - he gave us a guided tour in effect.
Mt Nebo is nothing amazing I suppose, but as it's on the way to Madaba you might as well stop there.
[ 17-Aug-2012, at 01:20 by bex76 ]
This would be nice!
I've sent you a message. Have fun!
Thank you!

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