Skype video or iPhone App?

Hi Everyone,

Hi Cathryn, first of all, yes, Skype will be an awesome way on communicating with your loved ones as you travel but, you need your iphone4s to be connected to the internet. Say if your hotel, a resto you will be eating at, coffee shop or malls offers free wifi connection, then, for sure you will be able to call your loved ones. They will be able to access Skype through their laptops, desktops, iphone, ipad, ipod touch, smart phones as long as they are also connected to the internet with the use if wifi.

As per my understanding you can use skype from i phone but you cannnot use skype voice on the iphones gprs connectivity... coz that will allow free calls to other iphones on the 3G/4G.
however there is a workaround. there is a tool called whatsapp. this can be installed in any phone and uses phones internet for a phone based chatting. this tool is available not only for i phone but also for all blackberrey andriod and symbian phones. so you can chat for free globally...

Skype video or iPhone App?

Skype video or iPhone App?

Skype video or iPhone App?

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