Default on forums so last post comes first?

My apologies guys - i haven't been around much for a long time, so please forgive the silly question. I'm sure that it was at least being discussed several years ago for an option so that on forum posts, you had the options to view responses starting with newest and going to oldest (i know there is a click button to take you to last post, but when the responses go into more than one page, this isn't always exactly what i want).

It's been discussed for the blogs quite a few times (and was actually implemented there a few years ago too), but I can't remember it having come up on the forums.

It's not difficult to implement, but it adds some complexity I'm not sure is worth the tradeoff... I'll let Peter weigh in with his thoughts too though

Ok, cool. I must be remembering the blog discussion (and yes, i do use blogs showing latest first), not the forum one.

If it can be done reasonably easy, great. If not, no worries. At least i know that it's been brought up and consciously decided against!

I'm not convinced implementing it on the main forums here is worthwhile, but this feature actually exists in the .

I anticipated that people on the mobile site would typically want to read the latest entries first and so I added a "reverse order" option for the threads.

[ Fixed link ]

Hmmm. Fair enough. Though I admit that I'm not sure that i understand the logic that more technologically advanced people (those with fancy mobiles) might want to see the latest content first, but those of us who don't have smart-phones and thus are forced to read on laptops/computers won't want the same option.

The main reason to do it on mobiles was down to the limited space available when viewing things. Pagination like we have on the main site is really clunky on a tiny screen. But I do see your point that it would be nice to introduce here too. Not entirely against it - just a bunch of extra work for a fairly small gain in my own view. Happy to hear from anyone else who wants this though.

By the way, there's nothing stopping you accessing TP through the mobile site on a laptop either, so if this feature really matters you could do that as a workaround.

No problem. If you get a rush of other people asking for it, great! If not, it's not the end of the world.

By the way, there's nothing stopping you accessing TP through the mobile site on a laptop either,

Do you know, that has never occurred to me with any mobile site? I'll try playing with it when i've got some more time later. Thanks!

Default on forums so last post comes first?

Default on forums so last post comes first?

Default on forums so last post comes first?

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