Hilfe bei KrankenversicherungHey ich möchte für ein Jahr nach CAnada. Hat jemand erfahrungen wie das mit den Sosialversicherungen läuft? Vorallem mit der Krankenversiche…Read More...
Travel Buddy in ColombiaHi there, I'm thinking of leaving Bogota in the begining of December, to head down to San Augstin, Popayan and then Cali. But I'm travelling…Read More...
World Trip (Advise & Suggestion)HiMe and my wife are planning to have a 2-4 month long road trip. We are planning to use our own car (800 CC) and will carry along tentage t…Read More...
Travelling to the usa Hello I wonder if you can help..I booked a holiday to New York for 2014 and have already applied for an esta which I have been approved for.…Read More...
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