WHere to go? South America or SE Asia??

I am a 20 year old guy from Denmark, who has just finished high school and i would like to travel before I start studying at the University. I have worked up until now and feel it is time that i start getting ready to travel, but the problem is that i am split between two locations for travel. The two options are South America and SE Asia. Btw, i am planning to travel alone.
I have mostly thought about going to SE Asia as it seems to be the preferred place to go for people my age and with my budget. From what I have read it also has everything i'm looking for. A fun experience with sight seeing, relaxing, touring and partying (Again, i'm a 20 year old guy just out of high school).
South America on the other hand appears to be more expensive and the backpacking infrastructure not as big as the one in SE Asia. I t also appears to be more dangerous from what i have read. Of course this all depends on the countries, but i'm making a broad generalization of the area. It has alot of sights that i would like to see though. The culture might be different from what i'm used to though. I have been to Mexico, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica so i don't know how similar they are to countries in SA.
The biggest advantage of going to South America is that i know alot of people who will be there when i'm planning to travel and i can hook up with friends in Ecuador. This would mean that i wouldn't be traveling alone and meeting friends. I don't speak Spanish and my friends do, so i'm at quite a disadvantage.
The indecision right now is really getting to me and it seems to be a stalemate between the two areas. I'm just looking for someone to help me break this stalemate with some good Pros ans Cons for each area based on my arguments for the two (or other arguments not mentioned). I know that it is ultimately up to me to figure out, but i would just like some help.

WHere to go? South America or SE Asia??

WHere to go? South America or SE Asia??

WHere to go? South America or SE Asia??

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