Hi Thomas,
Im the same planning to head over the end of October.
Had my visa granted last night so no turning back now, cant wait to get out.
You planning on travelling the East coast mate?
I was thinking of heading to Perth first, Ive heard it the best place to find farming/ fruit picking jobs to try and extend my visa for a second year.
Then after hopefully getting it extended looking to head over to the East coast.
Have you got anything booked?
Hi no havent booked nothing yet, was thinking about traveling abit first and then look for some farm work. Nothings set in stone though, want to be in sydney for new year but other than that just going to take it as it comes
Im the same mate, nothing really planned. Just going to take it as it comes.
Dont really see the point in planning a trip, it will probably change when I do get over there.
Sydney for New Year would be class, there seems to be alot of people thinking the same. I want to try get there but if it doesnt happen then im not fussed, ill be happy just to be in Oz.
I know, you'll meet people and plans will change. Just dont know were to start, I've got a friend who lives by melbourne so dont know whether to start there.
Decisions decisions.
Were you from mate?
Im the same I know a couple people over there just now but I dont want to go all the way to Oz to travel with people I already know.
Ill go see them dont get me wrong but would want to meet new people and do my own things.
I can see where your coming from though getting a bit help to settle somewhere.
From Edinburgh mate, what about yourself?
I know, dont know what to do haha.
From liverpool, have to keep in touch, let you know when i know what am doing.
Hey Thomas / Stu,
I'm Flying out on the 1st of July to Sydney my plan is to head up the coast to Cairns via Brisbane so if i get up there before October i will let you know what its like
Cheers mate
Hope you have a good time. You traveling alone?
Yeah definatly keep in touch mate. See how things go.
Adam, that would be class man, you going yourself?
Would be good to hearwhat its like before I go out, get an idea what's what!!!

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