I want to do some volunteering while I’m in South America, does anybody know any good organizations to volunteer with?
Hey Lydia, when I was traveling through South America I did some volunteer work in Argentina and Peru so I can recommend the following organizations;
L.I.F.E. Argentina (http://www.lifeargentina.org) does their work in the various shanty towns outside Buenos Aires, the work we did consisted of teaching English to the children there and supplying them with food and clothes when we ran the classes. There was a lot of emphasis on trying to give the children role models from outside their immediate community and to try and give them an advantage by speaking English. The organization also does monthly trips up to a remote indigenous community in the north of Argentina, at these trips the majority of the work consisted of supplying the community with clothes, study materials, and condoms, de-licing the children and cooking food for the village while we were there.
Light & Leadership Initiative (http://www.lightandleadership.org/index.html) does their work in few of the shanty towns surrounding Lima, the organization focuses on empowering the women and educating the children in these communities through workshops to teach the women new skills that they can use to make a living and through classes to help improve the English ability of the kids there. A lot of the work consisted of running English classes for the kids, but you also have the opportunity to run workshops on any unique skill that you may be able to teach to the community.
If you want to find other volunteer organizations then I’d suggest you check out this website http://www.volunteersouthamerica.net this is where I was able to find L.I.F.E Argentina and the Light & Leadership Initiative originally.
Hope that helps
That’s really helpful, thanks so much Nigel!

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