I am a UK resident and so from what I gather so far I would be applicable for financial aid to study in Holland.
All of the following is based on very vague and quite possible outdated knowledge of the Dutch university system, gained from having studied there some 10 years ago. I strongly recommend just contacting the administration department of the university you intend to apply with (or one of the possibilities if you're still choosing amongst them), as they should be way more helpful and certain with these type of questions.
- Is it now too late to apply to Universities?
Probably not. I recall reading a few years ago that highschool students waited until later and later in the year to apply to university, with a signigicant percentage only applying during the summer holidays, creating quite a problem for the administration of universities, but them not wanting to deny the students entry, either. Just means some hassle at the beginning of the school year with you needing to chase after some loose ends.
- How competitive is it to get accepted? My school grades are quite high and I also have University credits.
This depends entirely on the study you're going for. Medicine is notoriously hard, with a lottery to get in unless the average of your final grades is higher than an 8 (out of 10; Dutch system - not completely certain about this number "8"). Most other studies are open for anyone who applies who passed the (Dutch system) VWO exams. There'll be a system in place for judging if someone from another EU country qualifies, which will probably take up some time to go through.
I'm assuming here you're talking about the Bachelor phase of university. As far as I know (which isn't very far), most/all bachelor studies are in Dutch only. You might have to pass a Dutch language competency test before being allowed in.
- Lastly, I have no idea where else to find this but would a criminal record prevent me from doing this? I have an assault charge, would I be completely disregarded for entry or even asked to disclose this information with the Universities?
I really don't think this'll be seen as relevant / asked about. Definitely wasn't on any university application forms I ever filled in, nor on anything my German gf had to fill in for studying at a Dutch HBO.
[ 19-May-2013, at 13:15 by Sander ]

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