Hey Guys,
Regarding to your question concerning Malaria Tablets, when you are in the area with the risk of getting infected, you need to take 1 pill every day, the difference between the cheap and the expensive, is that the cheap ones you have to take 3-4 weeks after you have left the malaria area.
PS: Info from my Doctor - went there just yesterday for same advice
Thanks PST
So i'm guessing the malarone are best.
Thanks PST
So i'm guessing the malarone are best.
Your welcome.. Safe travels! :D!
Your doctor should be the one telling you what is the best malaria meds. If I am in a malaria zone I use Doxycycline. I buy it in Thailand in local pharmacies. (Four baht to 10 baht each capsule.) Dengue fever is something you ought to read up about. As far as I know there is no preventative available. This means slathering on something with deet and staying in places where there is less chance of mosquitoes in your room. If you are a bug magnet maybe also wearing long sleeve shirts and long pants too! I prefer a room with A/C so I can keep the windows shut. Some fan rooms have screens with holes that allow mosquitoes in the room.
Hey, what dates are you gonna be in Vietnam and Cambodia? I'm currently in Bangkok now starting my travels
Hey there, I'm looking to either go to Cambodia on Saturday or northern Thailand, I'm kind of going with the flow. What's your plan? We could meet up if you like .
I'm currently coaching football at a small foundation in Bangkok and I'm looking to move out of Bangkok in the next 2-3 days, I was thinking hitting up Cambodia. Add me on Facebook if you want it'll be easier to get in contact www.facebook.com/piersmarley

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