hello, I'm Louise
I am thinking about doing the same, I am 22 turning 23 yr old female. I am from nz but live in Australia.
I am looking at going to Hawaii in August next year for a 21st birthday then from there I want to do a roadie around the states......then possibly training around Europe......I will be getting a working visa, so I will do some odd jobs....I am looking at taking 20 thousand.....as well as working...
Basically I want to stay in hostels, back packers, caravan parks, tents, couch surfing........everything will be extremely budget!!!
I don't want to go alone, also would like someone that is fun and wants to party.
there really isn't an itinerary, just probably basic destinations, then see where I go from there.
basically i want ot do as much as i can and go as many places as i can....would be fab to find someone as spontaneous and adventurous as i am.....
hey, im from England. as im from Europe im hoping to Travel around everywhere else, im planning on doing the same being on budget however i am only going to have £12,000!
yeah im planning on doing everything i possibly can! im hoping to do a 48 day tour with Trek America at the end of my trip.
when next year are you planning on going? ..
Sounds good....Yeah I am really keen on doing the US and Canada.......because I live in Australia. Thailand and the tropical islands I will do these probably after the US, Canada and Europe.
I will be in Hawaii in August and hopefully off to the States and Canada. I was looking at doing Trek America as well for these two countries, cheaper and probably safer. -this is just an idea.
I am more interested in backpacking and whatnot. Better way to exp a country.
As for Europe I will be doing a European Contiki tour. - But I seriously want to backpack!!
But I need to do this very cheaply!!
I am looking at going for 6-8 months travelling.
[ 24-May-2013, at 03:27 by amandah2013 ]
yeah canada and the US are the main places i want to go, i want to see all the things your meant to whilst travelling as well like the grand canyon etc...
im not starting my trip untill september so i have the summer to save more money.
im looking at 12-18 months travelling.
its really hard to decide exactly what i want to do and where i want to go!
Where are you going to start?
Travel india...........................you pass your all 2014 it means your 1 year ...........because in india many different different types places are come..................

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