Getting your visa

When you apply for ur visa does it start as soon as u get it or do you put a start date when u going into the country? This is for Oz

It starts when you enter the country. You have one year from the moment of getting the visa to enter the country.

Once you have entered the country, you can leave and return as often as you want, but the clock keeps ticking during that time.

So if you get the visa on July 26 2013, you have until July 25 2014 to enter the country. Say you enter the country on June 1 2014. Then you have to leave the country by May 31 2015.

Thanks, You travelling to Oz this year?

Finished my WHV 8 years ago already, unfortunately (and last went back at the beginning of this year), so unfortunately no.

Ahh cool where would you say the best place is to start the trip?

I don't think it matters at all. Sydney is the obvious choice as it has the busiest airport, and thus the largest number of people in the same situation arriving, but Melbourne works just as well. (I personally didn't like Perth at all, and Brisbane and Adelaide feel a whole lot smaller, with far fewer new arrivals (most people there will have been in Oz for a while already), but that can be both a positive or a negative, depending on your outlook.) The big decision to make is mostly "clockwise or counterclockwise?", and that probably gets determined a whole lot by when you arrive (you want to avoid the north from December through March due to the wet season).

I personally arrived in Sydney, traveled to Melbourne, and then lived there for 7+ months (don't do the same! getting stuck in one place is a big mistake, no matter how good the money is - though Melbourne certainly is a very nice city to live in for a while).

Yeh thanks for the advice im thinking flying to Cairns to see the great barrier reef and then make my way down im thinking going March, would this still be wet season? Just wondering how much you took with you for spending aswell? and is it easy to get work out there?.


Yes, March is still part of the wet season (look at ). I hear it's less unpleasant at the end of the wet season than at the beginning, but have no personal experience with that.

As for work: 8 years ago, in IT, for someone with a university degree and a few years of part-time experience, it was hard to find work in the runup to Christmas, but supremely easy as soon as January rolled around. Don't know if that carries over much. Never did any farm work; the 2nd year visa was only introduced a year later, alas.

I think I had €3000 spending money and €5000 buffer when I first set out, which back then was about twice as much in Australian dollars (the exchange rate has gotten so much worse). Dipped quite a ways into my buffer before I started earning money for real, but ended up at the end of my trip with the same amount of savings. 'course, again, that was in IT.

Ahh sounds good i dont want to miss out on Great barrier reef defo! this makes me think if i should wait couple more months to let it go past and then will have bit more money

Something which definitely support waiting (or at least not starting in Cairns) - when it's been raining, visibility at the reef is way less due to all the soil being washed into the water (? - not certain about the details).

[ 25-Jul-2013, at 03:39 by Sander ]

Getting your visa

Getting your visa

Getting your visa

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