This is my first time posting on here and I’m just after a bit of advice as I feel as though I am stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment. I am a 26 year old female living in England and in a good relationship; we have been together for over 6 years and living together for 2. I’ve always had the travel bug and my partner doesn’t really, he is happy with holidays here and there but isn’t interested in travelling long term or roughing it.
In short yes it is a good idea to do it. It is a bad idea not to do it.
If you want to travel, then travel. Don’t worry about your CV or job opportunities. I was 30 when I used my WHV in Australia and consequently found it much easier to get a good job than the younger people I met travelling as I had built up a decent CV. I got a good, well paid, job in Australia (earning more than I have ever earnt over here) in the field I worked in over here.
Then when I got back here in 2011, right in the middle of the recession I managed to get a good job here, earning considerably more than I had earnt before I left to go travelling.
There isn’t really any reason for you to stay here. Save your money and go, you won’t regret it.
[ 29-Jan-2014, at 09:13 by Steve79 ]
I have replied to your message on my forum but thought I would drop one on here too.
Be helpful to bounce ideas and advice off each other. I'm in a similar position and the same age. Everyone else seems really young which is why I feel so deterred at the moment. Any support and guidance wouls be awesome
Once you have the travel bug you need to act on it. You need to do it if it's something you feel you need to do. I myself have left it a bit later than yourself I have turned 30 decided to rent out my house hand my notice in and I leave the UK for NZ on 28th April. I was worried about the age thing but I have been talking to lots of people on here and I have found that a lot of people are doing it later so you will come across people similar age to yourself so don't let that worry you. As for you cv most employers will see travelling as a good point on your cv.
Just remember whv are once in a life time opportunities so be sure to use it if you decide to get one. If there is one thing I have learnt in life is to never live by your regrets. Try it if you hate it you have tried if you don't try it then you'll always think what if.
Sorry to go on. Hope you decide what is best for you...
T x
Everyone else seems really young which is why I feel so deterred at the moment. Any support and guidance would be awesome
That will make no difference at all I promise. As I said I was 30 when I went travelling and never once felt too old. It really isn’t an issue whatsoever
Having done long-term travelling is generally a big plus on a CV; not everyone will recognize it as such, but enough people do to be noticeable.
Just by having spent a year abroad, you'll have encountered many new viewpoints, and learned to handle many small setbacks and things to sort out, which people who just stay at home will never have encountered. You'll grow your self-confidence, and will be able to look at things from other perspectives.
The strain on the relationship will probably be huge. You'll change, and if you're not careful, you'll feel your boyfriend won't understand all the many things you've experienced, and will seem to just be "stuck". Continuous communication is the key to surviving that. You'll both have to work on it, and make a point of it to deeply care about what's happening in the life of the other, and to let that caring show very clearly, again and again.
As for your age, as others have said, that won't be a problem at all. The percentage of 18-22 year olds is actually relatively small (excepting some party hostels and tour busses). I'd guesstimate that fully 50% of the backpackers you'll meet will be aged 22-27; but also that you'll have many interesting conversations with both 18 year old and 60 year olds. Just be open for it.
Thanks for all the replies, it's good to hear different opinions.
As for the relationship part, I think it will be OK, if we can handle living together I think we will survive some time apart. We've worked it out that if I go back once in the middle and he comes out twice, we would see each other every 3 months which is a lot more manageable.
I guess the job/CV thing might be an issue, but plenty of professionals take a year out to solely travel so providing there is some work in there which hopefully I can make relevant it should be fine and hopefully I won't have too many problems getting back into a job when I am back.
I'll need to start doing some proper research and reading of these forums as there is so much to organise between now and then, but I'm a good
Planner.. That was supposed to say! Thanks everyone

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