i'll be landing in managua, nicaragua on feb 4th, then i will go directly to leon. my rough itinerary is...nicaragua, costa rica, panama, darien gap by foot, colombia, brazil, uruguay, paraguay, argentina, chile, peru, ecuador, bolivia, then i will fly back home from colomobia. i will out there for 6-8 months. let me know if you boys and girls want to meet up. pm me for facebook. only a few days left til i fly, i'm so itching to take off!!!
Sounds interesting. May i join you halfway of your trip? I'm planning to explore South America starting this September.
Hello! I just read your post, good vacation choices, Nicaragua is a really beautiful place, Costa Rica is like paradise on earth. We have beautiful places to visit like volcanoes, beaches and mountains. A lot of adventure as well, the options are endless, so you’ll never get bored. Enjoy Central America!

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