Hi guys,
I think there are two factors to this: where you want to be, and where you're allowed to be (immigration wise).
I'm guessing as an Indonesian you're not able to walk into Europe to live. How about Canada? If you have some right of abode from growing up there maybe that's your only choice for living in the West.
Would that be better than where you are? Would it be enough foundation to build a life on?
Maybe there's no easy answer and whatever you do will be a compromise, or a work in progress.
How serious are you with your girlfriend? Do her wants become a factor?
Thanks for the prompt reply, As an Indonesian it's hard for me to get in Europe, in Canada I could manage as I have some family left of my dad but the thing is it ain't an easy choice either as we aren't that close.
The only bet i have now is the plannings me and my gf has together, as we have been in a relationship for more than 2 years and are looking forward to settle down 2 - 3 years down the line. So far the planning is I move with her to Europe, marrying her and working my way to work permit.
My problem now is the present, in the future if things work out with my gf it would be great but for now I have to dedicate and work my A** out to gather money so we are able to move as the living standard also would be higher there.
I'm more stressed with insecurities of the present and how am I going to live these 2 - 3 years. by the way my gf is coming to indonesia to move in with me temporarily next month, i hope that helps.
Also she doesn't wanna settle down in indonesia that's our deal. Sorry extra post
Good luck.
Thanks a lot.
On the bright side, it looks like long term you have options. Europe if you get married, or Canada.
Short term maybe it helps a little to know you have options for the future and that you're working towards that future. At least you know where you want to get to - which is ahead of a lot of people. :-)
Thanks Andy it gives the spirit already I didn't see it from that perspective!

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