I will be in Poland in late August, staying in Warsaw for a week and Krakow for two weeks. While in Warsaw, I want to visit the Treblinka and Sobibor extermination camp memorials. I would rather not hire a car, but am having a hard time finding information on getting to either site via public transportation. Is a private car my only option?
Hi, there is a website: http://www.visit-treblinka.com/ and there is something about transfers by minibus/car, but I am not sure if the service still exists, try to contact them directly to make sure.
Trip advisor has a review that says a train & taxi to Treblinka is possible
and this site has some info about getting to Sobibor. ( & a few more )
If you like to visit somber places, the leper colony on Molokaii, Hawaii is right up there. Amazing how such places evoke emotions when there is not a lot to actually see.
Thank you for the links. I guess I hadn't researched as much as I thought. I appreciate your help.
Steve, I have a strong interest in Holocaust history and that's going to be the focus of my Poland trip. However, I will include the leper colony to my itinerary on my next trip to Hawaii. Always interested in unique experiences.
I flew in to Molokai and then a school bus, but you can go down by donkey,
This is my Blogo about

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