Help! Tentative Itinerary For Europe and Q's


The only places in Europe I'd go in January is southern Europe. It has been unusually mild so far this year but it can be seriously cold, with parts of Germany having temperatures of -25.C and Oslo even colder, and all with deep snow which can cut off areas, ground flights, etc.

That is why it is cheaper. No one wants to fly then.

I would say wait till at least the beginning of May.

If you really want to go away in January, go Asia. The flights are expensive but from then on, everything else is cheap. You can be sunning yourselves on the beaches when the people back home and in Europe are freezing.

If you're not sun seeking that schedule looks fine to me. Personally I'd trim the odd night off Amsterdam, Venice and Rome but it depends on your to-do list. On your route there are no obvious omissions. :-)

Help! Tentative Itinerary For Europe and Q's

Help! Tentative Itinerary For Europe and Q's

Help! Tentative Itinerary For Europe and Q's

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