Hitch hiking the states

Matty_coyote has indicated that this thread is about North America

Being from a place in the US (New Jersey) where hitchiking is illegal, I can say I have never actually done it. However, it is LEGAL in almost every state. I was planning on doing some traveling this way in the future, so I did some research and read this recently,


Good luck! I hope other people chime in here with their experiences.

Hitchhiking is really easy for a couple of girls travelling together, but as a guy you can wait for a loooong time for a car to stop in some areas.

Totally doable though.

Have fun.


PS Pick up Carsick by John Waters for a few cheap laughs and some recent insights...

Very intriguing. I recently read this article – http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/hitchhike-across-united-states/ – it might have a few pointers for you.

another option...I posted part one but there are 6 parts.


copy and paste the link

[ 30-Jun-2014, at 06:37 by katzgar ]

Hitch hiking the states

Hitch hiking the states

Hitch hiking the states

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