Is it possible to make a landing page which will be the first page that visitors see? Then they can navigate to the various blog entries either through the sidebar or the table of contents. Right now, they land on my latest entry. Thanks for your help.
You could choose in your settings to sort your entries "oldest first" and one per page. Then write an introductory post, and give it a fake date in the far past.
I understand where the request comes from - it's nice for someone new to your blog to get presented everything in its "proper" order.
However, "most recent first" is definitely most useful for repeat visitors, which I imagine most of your visitors to be. They'll already know that you're travelling, and will just want to see if there's anything new from you. I'd personally reconsider making them click an extra time to get there.
Thank you. I think if I was organized enough to do a blog as I traveled that would work nicely. However, we took the trip in April and I plan to complete the whole thing before I send out link. By the way, I've started and stopped on several sites and I prefer this one by far! I appreciate your advice.
Ah ok, yeah, then "oldest first" is definitely the right ordering for you! And glad to hear you like what this site offers.
If you have an requests for improvements, please don't hesitate to ask - the admins here are always listening, and if they believe ideas for new features can be useful for a large group of people, they've been known to whip them up in very short order.

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