I really need some advice on what to take while im traveling!
I thought of a Ipod touch because its small, can get wifi and is easy to carry around during the day while I potter about. But it only connects to wifi and not mobile internet like a phone would. Bit worried it might be a bit hard to use with the internet if no free wifi is around as this would be the main use for me.
An iPod touch is enough!
I brought both macbook and ipod touch with me to china, hk, macau, taiwan during my summer 2009 trip. however, i barely used my laptop because i could find everything on my itouch or on the hostel's pc.
really?! I will be blogging and emailing quite alot.
Will it effect whether i need a net book or a Ipod touch more?
I just thought a proper keyboard on a net book would make blogging and emailing easier?!
how long did you go traveling for "Night Buggie"?
Haha then just bring your NetBook because its.still light. Back then I traveled for 4 months. In 15 days I will travel for 7 months.

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