I have been mapping past 30 years of travelling on TravellersPoint, and it has been working great until yesterday. The Travel Stat stopped counting all numbers, number of trips, kilometers, miles, days. It also does not show a map with countries visited for the last few days. Any assistance is most welcome. Thank you.
I investigated a little further. It looks like there is a limit on the number of trips at 147. Could this number be increased? Thanks you.
Wow, the travels you mapped are amazing. Almost 3,000,000 kilometers already
I'm not really sure why stats would start to cause a problem at 147. There's no intention for it to be like that. Will look into this!
Thank you, Peter, for looking into my problem. As I plan to retire from my current work which involved lots of travelling, I was looking for a facility to document all the travelling I have done since joining the Organization in 1982, and I found your application, which is much much more than I had hoped for!! The Travel Stat contains all those extras so even if it does not work, I am more than happy to continue mapping my past travels (I just have two more years to add)
and hope to continue adding in the future when I am hoping that travelling itself will become my profession (without financial reward of course!!) Thanks again, Aki
The counter started moving again!! Thanks a lot.
Excellent - I thought I had it fixed last night, but it wasn't showing the correct number reliably. All good now though. Should allow about 1000 trips before running into that problem again. Hopefully that's enough

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