Travelnewbie has indicated that this thread is about South America
I have no idea, but if it is possible it may be dangerous because the way is very rough and inhospitable..
Hi travelnewbie,
it sounds like a great trip, however you should check a good map of Argentina and surrounding countries closely. Argentina is a huge country and the distance can be underestimated. The trip from Buenos Aires to Iguazu is approx. 1200 km and the price for bus or plane is nearly the same. Plane takes 1,5 hours, bus takes 20 hours. If you want to see the salt flats you would be better off flying there. They are all the way west of Iguazu. Rio on the other hand is north-east of Iguazu. It would be easier to continue up north in direction of Peru (assuming that is where you want to go on the Inca trail) from the salt flats. Rio would be out of your way.
Going by bus overland could be an interesting experience, but the travel time is long. If you only have 4 weeks, you might want to consider doing some of the travel by air.
good luck
Thanks maky!
I realise it's quite a vast amount of space to cover...I have checked flights to iguazu from BA and they are approx €170 whereas the bus is around €60. I'm trying to do this on a serious budget! I was looking at perhaps taking a flight from Lima to Cartagena at the end but apart from that it will probably have to be buses! Does anyone know what the most straightforward and economical route would be from iguazu to the salt flats if I were to leave rio out??
This would be a very long trip. I don't know how much time you have. Also in my opinion Iguazu is overrated. A bit like Niagara without the commercialal development. Salt flats in Bolivia and Northern Chile are however, incredible. One of the highlights of our trip. You can look at my blog,Vagabonding at 60 if you want to see pics. jonshapiro

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