Jcar has indicated that this thread is about Belgium
dear jcar,
i will not join you on that day, but you will also not have the idea ther to be alone.... this country is much more friendly than it smetimes looks like...
be wellcome!
for practical info, i helped a lot already, so , don't hesitate....
Can I ask what Tomorrowland is ? < Ive seen a lot of posts already regarding it & I am curious to know whats it is < :D
It suprises me too. There are numerous festivals like that, also in the Netherlands. Not exactly the same of course, but the number of posts about a couple of days of music here on TP strikes me as well.
not that many info on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrowland_(festival) (< ERROR: the link title is too long!), although the
is better.
For all the ones that are going (numerous on TP, that's for sure lol): have fun, it must be the best that Europe has to offer regarding travelling haha
PS: somehow the first link doesn't work (says it's too long???)
[ 11-Jan-2012, at 07:54 by Utrecht ]
We happened to have an early thread about the festival, which is now coming up highly ranked on google when people search for it (first place in combination with "forum" even), and so all the activity is snowballing from there. (I still have astroturfing suspicions about one or two specific members, but everyone else should be genuine.)
[ 11-Jan-2012, at 10:41 by Sander ]
I'm actually going as well and am from ottawa!
Hi All,
I did tomorrowland last year and cant wait to go back this year.!!
Sadly my travel partner from last year isn't game, so looking for a replacement. I'm from NYC
Anyone from the US traveling solo ?
Hi All,
I did tomorrowland last year and cant wait to go back this year.!!
Sadly my travel partner from last year isn't game, so looking for a replacement. I'm from NYC
Anyone from the US traveling solo ?
Hey im 18 and im very interested in going to tomorrowland i live in rockland county new york
I'm going to it also, and will be traveling alone, I'm looking to meet up with some other people who are going alone, I live in Florida. Let me know if anyone is interested in meeting up!?
Hi all I am from London and this will be the first time for me at Tom-land love it if i would have a someone or more than one to travel with i love house music love to dance and I can't wait to party call me -snip- or text if you need any info ....
[ , no personal details please. ]

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