Hi guys! Myself and my wife need to find a country that would be good for both of us to live in. We are currently in the UK and she has to leave the country by the end of April. It's too costly to go back to Asia so we have set our sights on Europe...
While it might cost a little more to travel to Asia, surely once there (depending on where exactly), it would be far cheaper than heading to Europe? English teachers are easy to come by in most of Europe, whereas in a lot of Asian countries (China f.ex) there's a huge demand for them, so if that's your preferred line of employment, China would be my first choice.
Any country where they are not particularly difficult about hiring foreigners that speak English would obviously be good for your wife. Even then it's not necessarily easy. It was difficult for me to find work in Norway when I first moved here even with a good degree, solid work experience and bi-linguality in Dutch/English. Once you've learned the local language, things tend to become a lot easier, so invest time in that!
Hope that helps!
Dear Stewy.
There is a large Korean community in Kobierzyce (close to Wrocław, Poland [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wroc%C5%82aw]). There is a few LG and I think other Korean plants. Here more about this: http://www.firma.egospodarka.pl/firmy/biskupice-podgorne, http://www.ugk.home.pl/www/baza/www_angielska/. They are looking for employees now. Especially LG Chem. Your wife with English and Korean would probably find something for her (Polish is not necessary). Close is Wrocław, one of the largest cities in Poland, you can find a job as an English teacher, there is many schools of English. Also, life in PL is cheap comparing to Western Europe, so maybe it could be a solution for you? I am not sure if you want to move to PL but you can take it into consideration. Ane here maybe sth for you: http://www.wroclaw-life.com/wroclaw/expats
So, maybe one day you will find here your place to live:-)
I agree with Sam that you should look at the whole picture, and not just immediate costs. Employment in this world economy is the real problem here. Vietnam is another place with a large expat community, a demand for qualified and documented English instructors, and even a good size Korean community. Hanoi would be my choice - this is the expat website for Hanoi - the .
Do you have a degree and could you teach? I live and work in S Korea with my wife and we live a very comfortable life on just my wages here as an english teacher. Korea is far cheaper to live than most places in Europe. If you get a job as an ESL teacher you will also get free housing and airfares. Look into it, it may work for you. Good luck

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